
Founded on the principles of comparison shopping (a concept that seems to be lost of many financial advisers who only sell one company’s product), LTC Tree’s aim, above all, is the help as many Americans as possible plan for Long Term Care funding.  All too often, families are left with very few options when a loved one needs LTC, leading to many families going completely broke, and ultimately on to state welfare roles.  Surprisingly, this is a common occurrence, because awareness of LTC insurance is lower than it should be, especially among baby boomers.



LTC Tree represents and provides plan design from a large, but select group of the “blue chip” insurance companies that have strong financial ratings (by independent ratings agencies like Moody’s and Fitch).  With specialty software, we are able to provide precise Long Term Care quotes from dozens of companies’ plans in all 50 states.  Our services are at no cost to the consumer, and premiums are not higher than they would be if one was shopping directly with each company.


Our Goal: Get You Covered

We work with various sets of underwriters at the different insurance companies on a daily basis.  This means we know how to best place your application with the carrier most likely to approve you.  The feeling of having Long Term Care funding planned for in advance is unbeatable.  We want each and every person who visits our site to feel this rush of responsible planning.

We are covered!


"One weekend I was at a friend's house and their ownership of a Long Term Care plan came up. I wanted to quickly research my options, and called LTC Tree. We found a plan that worked and I applied and was approved in about six weeks. As a former financial consultant, this decision made sense to me.

Robin B., Houston Texas

Contact Us
Regus, 100 Congress Center
100 Congress Avenue, Suite 2000
Austin, Texas, 78701
P: (512) 865-5988

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