Compare Long Term Care Quotes

Shopping for Long-Term Care Insurance coverage has evolved over the years, and we're working harder to make the process even easier.  We offer several ways to research, compare, review, and ultimately buy Long Term Care Insurance without having to schedule multiple uncomfortable meetings with a local agent.

Shop The Market
Comparison BinderOur process allows you to compare the offers from a select group of top-rated "blue chip" insurance companies and have access to policy experts without the parts that most people would prefer to avoid.  Determine the right time to buy, the cost of waiting to buy, and which companies' plans make sense for your particular case.

We work to get your quotes prepared as quickly, accurately, and efficiently put together and presented as possible.  Want a personalized comparison?  You'll get it.

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Supplemental Information

Additional information on Compare Long Term Care Quotes.

Did You Know?
Insurance rates are regulated by the states, meaning that a given company's rates are going to be identical from agent to agent.  This makes your job as a consumer much easier.  Your selection of agents comes down to skill, not price.  You know you're getting the lowest price a given insurer offers the public no matter who is quoting it.

Updated 7/29/2014


"One weekend I was at a friend's house and their ownership of a Long Term Care plan came up. I wanted to quickly research my options, and called LTC Tree. We found a plan that worked and I applied and was approved in about six weeks. As a former financial consultant, this decision made sense to me.

Robin B., Houston Texas

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